| 1 | ä½ è¦ç”¨çš‚莢木作一座燒香的壇.
"Make an altar of acacia wood for burning incense.
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| 2 | 這壇è¦å››æ–¹çš„ã€é•·ä¸€è‚˜ã€å¯¬ä¸€è‚˜ã€é«˜äºŒè‚˜ï¼Žå£‡çš„四角ã€è¦èˆ‡å£‡æŽ¥é€£ä¸€å¡Šã€‚
It is to be square, a cubit long and a cubit wide, and two cubits high--its horns of one piece with it.
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| 3 | è¦ç”¨ç²¾é‡‘ã€æŠŠå£‡çš„上é¢ã€èˆ‡å£‡çš„å››åœã€ä¸¦å£‡çš„四角包裹.åˆè¦åœ¨å£‡çš„å››åœé‘²ä¸Šé‡‘牙邊。
Overlay the top and all the sides and the horns with pure gold, and make a gold molding around it.
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| 4 | è¦ä½œå…©å€‹é‡‘ç’°ã€å®‰åœ¨ç‰™å邊以下ã€åœ¨å£‡çš„å…©æ—ã€å…©æ ¹æ©«î‚½ä¸Šã€ä½œç‚ºç©¿æ 的用處ã€ä»¥ä¾¿æŠ¬å£‡ã€‚
Make two gold rings for the altar below the molding--two on opposite sides--to hold the poles used to carry it.
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| 5 | è¦ç”¨çš‚莢木作æ ã€ç”¨é‡‘包裹。
Make the poles of acacia wood and overlay them with gold.
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| 6 | è¦æŠŠå£‡æ”¾åœ¨æ³•æ«ƒå‰çš„å¹”å外ã€å°è‘—法櫃上的施æ©åº§ã€å°±æ˜¯æˆ‘è¦èˆ‡ä½ 相會的地方。
Put the altar in front of the curtain that is before the ark of the Testimony--before the atonement cover that is over the Testimony--where I will meet with you.
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| 7 | 亞倫在壇上è¦ç‡’馨香料作的香.æ¯æ—©æ™¨ä»–收拾燈的時候ã€è¦ç‡’這香。
"Aaron must burn fragrant incense on the altar every morning when he tends the lamps.
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| 8 | 黃æ˜é»žç‡ˆçš„時候ã€ä»–è¦åœ¨è€¶å’Œè¯é¢å‰ç‡’這香ã€ä½œç‚ºä¸–世代代常燒的香。
He must burn incense again when he lights the lamps at twilight so incense will burn regularly before the LORD for the generations to come.
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| 9 | 在這壇上ä¸å¯å¥‰ä¸Šç•°æ¨£çš„香ã€ä¸å¯ç»ç‡”ç¥ã€ç´ ç¥ã€ä¹Ÿä¸å¯æ¾†ä¸Šå¥ ç¥ã€‚
Do not offer on this altar any other incense or any burnt offering or grain offering, and do not pour a drink offering on it.
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| 10 | 亞倫一年一次ã€è¦åœ¨å£‡çš„角上行贖罪之禮.他一年一次è¦ç”¨è´–罪ç¥ç‰²çš„è¡€ã€åœ¨å£‡ä¸Šè¡Œè´–罪之禮ã€ä½œç‚ºä¸–世代代的定例.這壇在耶和è¯é¢å‰ç‚ºè‡³è–。
Once a year Aaron shall make atonement on its horns. This annual atonement must be made with the blood of the atoning sin offering for the generations to come. It is most holy to the LORD."
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| 11 | 耶和è¯æ›‰è«æ‘©è¥¿èªªã€
Then the LORD said to Moses,
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| 12 | ä½ è¦æŒ‰ä»¥è‰²åˆ—人被數的ã€è¨ˆç®—總數ã€ä½ 數的時候ã€ä»–們å„人è¦ç‚ºè‡ªå·±çš„生命ã€æŠŠè´–價奉給耶和è¯ã€å…得數的時候ã€åœ¨ä»–們ä¸é–“有ç½æ®ƒã€‚
"When you take a census of the Israelites to count them, each one must pay the LORD a ransom for his life at the time he is counted. Then no plague will come on them when you number them.
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| 13 | 凡éŽåŽ»æ¸é‚£äº›è¢«æ•¸ä¹‹äººçš„ã€æ¯äººè¦æŒ‰è–所的平拿銀ååŠèˆå®¢å‹’ã€é€™åŠèˆå®¢å‹’是奉給耶和è¯çš„禮物ã€ä¸€èˆå®¢å‹’是二åå£æ‹‰ï¼Ž
Each one who crosses over to those already counted is to give a half shekel, according to the sanctuary shekel, which weighs twenty gerahs. This half shekel is an offering to the LORD.
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| 14 | 凡éŽåŽ»æ¸é‚£äº›è¢«æ•¸çš„人ã€å¾žäºŒåæ²ä»¥å¤–çš„ã€è¦å°‡é€™ç¦®ç‰©å¥‰çµ¦è€¶å’Œè¯ã€‚
All who cross over, those twenty years old or more, are to give an offering to the LORD.
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| 15 | 他們為贖生命將禮物奉給耶和è¯ã€å¯Œè¶³çš„ä¸å¯å¤šå‡ºã€è²§çª®çš„也ä¸å¯å°‘出ã€å„人è¦å‡ºåŠèˆå®¢å‹’。
The rich are not to give more than a half shekel and the poor are not to give less when you make the offering to the LORD to atone for your lives.
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| 16 | ä½ è¦å¾žä»¥è‰²åˆ—人收這贖罪銀ã€ä½œç‚ºæœƒå¹•çš„使用ã€å¯ä»¥åœ¨è€¶å’Œè¯é¢å‰ç‚ºä»¥è‰²åˆ—人作紀念ã€è´–生命。
Receive the atonement money from the Israelites and use it for the service of the Tent of Meeting. It will be a memorial for the Israelites before the LORD, making atonement for your lives."
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| 17 | 耶和è¯æ›‰è«æ‘©è¥¿èªªã€
Then the LORD said to Moses,
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| 18 | ä½ è¦ç”¨éŠ…作洗濯盆ã€å’Œç›†åº§ã€ä»¥ä¾¿æ´—濯.è¦å°‡ç›†æ”¾åœ¨æœƒå¹•å’Œå£‡çš„ä¸é–“ã€åœ¨ç›†è£¡ç››æ°´ã€‚
"Make a bronze basin, with its bronze stand, for washing. Place it between the Tent of Meeting and the altar, and put water in it.
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| 19 | 亞倫和他的兒åã€è¦åœ¨é€™ç›†è£¡æ´—手洗腳。
Aaron and his sons are to wash their hands and feet with water from it.
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| 20 | 他們進會幕ã€æˆ–是就近壇å‰ä¾›è·ã€çµ¦è€¶å’Œè¯ç»ç«ç¥çš„時候ã€å¿…用水洗濯ã€å…å¾—æ»äº¡ã€‚
Whenever they enter the Tent of Meeting, they shall wash with water so that they will not die. Also, when they approach the altar to minister by presenting an offering made to the LORD by fire,
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| 21 | 他們洗手洗腳ã€å°±å…å¾—æ»äº¡ï¼Žé€™è¦ä½œäºžå€«å’Œä»–後裔ã€ä¸–世代代永é 的定例。
they shall wash their hands and feet so that they will not die. This is to be a lasting ordinance for Aaron and his descendants for the generations to come."
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| 22 | 耶和è¯æ›‰è«æ‘©è¥¿èªªã€
Then the LORD said to Moses,
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| 23 | ä½ è¦å–上å“的香料ã€å°±æ˜¯æµè³ªçš„沒藥五百èˆå®¢å‹’ã€é¦™è‚‰æ¡‚一åŠã€å°±æ˜¯äºŒç™¾äº”åèˆå®¢å‹’ã€è–蒲二百五åèˆå®¢å‹’ã€
"Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much (that is, 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of fragrant cane,
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| 24 | 桂皮五百èˆå®¢å‹’ã€éƒ½æŒ‰è‘—è–所的平ã€åˆå–橄欖油一欣.
500 shekels of cassia--all according to the sanctuary shekel--and a hin of olive oil.
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| 25 | 按作香之法ã€èª¿å’Œä½œæˆè–è†æ²¹ã€‚
Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil.
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| 26 | è¦ç”¨é€™è†æ²¹æŠ¹æœƒå¹•ã€å’Œæ³•æ«ƒã€
Then use it to anoint the Tent of Meeting, the ark of the Testimony,
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| 27 | æ¡Œåã€èˆ‡æ¡Œå的一切器具ã€ç‡ˆè‡ºã€å’Œç‡ˆè‡ºçš„器具ã€ä¸¦é¦™å£‡ã€
the table and all its articles, the lampstand and its accessories, the altar of incense,
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| 28 | 燔ç¥å£‡ã€å’Œå£‡çš„一切器具ã€æ´—濯盆ã€å’Œç›†åº§ã€‚
the altar of burnt offering and all its utensils, and the basin with its stand.
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| 29 | è¦ä½¿é€™äº›ç‰©æˆç‚ºè–ã€å¥½æˆç‚ºè‡³è–.凡挨著的都æˆç‚ºè–。
You shall consecrate them so they will be most holy, and whatever touches them will be holy.
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| 30 | è¦è†äºžå€«å’Œä»–çš„å…’åã€ä½¿ä»–們æˆç‚ºè–ã€å¯ä»¥çµ¦æˆ‘ä¾›ç¥å¸çš„è·åˆ†ã€‚
"Anoint Aaron and his sons and consecrate them so they may serve me as priests.
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| 31 | ä½ è¦å°ä»¥è‰²åˆ—人說ã€é€™æ²¹ã€æˆ‘è¦ä¸–世代代以為è–è†æ²¹ï¼Ž
Say to the Israelites, 'This is to be my sacred anointing oil for the generations to come.
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| 32 | ä¸å¯å€’在別人的身上ã€ä¹Ÿä¸å¯æŒ‰é€™èª¿å’Œä¹‹æ³•ã€ä½œèˆ‡æ¤ç›¸ä¼¼çš„ã€é€™è†æ²¹æ˜¯è–çš„ã€ä½ 們也è¦ä»¥ç‚ºè–。
Do not pour it on men's bodies and do not make any oil with the same formula. It is sacred, and you are to consider it sacred.
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| 33 | 凡調和與æ¤ç›¸ä¼¼çš„ã€æˆ–將這è†è†åœ¨åˆ¥äººèº«ä¸Šçš„ã€é€™äººè¦å¾žæ°‘ä¸å‰ªé™¤ã€‚
Whoever makes perfume like it and whoever puts it on anyone other than a priest must be cut off from his people.'"
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| 34 | 耶和è¯å©å’摩西說ã€ä½ è¦å–馨香的香料.就是拿他弗ã€æ–½å–œåˆ—ã€å–œåˆ©æ¯”拿.這馨香的香料ã€å’Œæ·¨ä¹³é¦™ã€å„樣è¦ä¸€èˆ¬å¤§çš„分é‡ã€‚
Then the LORD said to Moses, "Take fragrant spices--gum resin, onycha and galbanum--and pure frankincense, all in equal amounts,
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| 35 | ä½ è¦ç”¨é€™äº›åŠ 上鹽ã€æŒ‰ä½œé¦™ä¹‹æ³•ä½œæˆæ¸…æ·¨è–潔的香。
and make a fragrant blend of incense, the work of a perfumer. It is to be salted and pure and sacred.
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| 36 | 這香è¦å–點æ—得極細ã€æ”¾åœ¨æœƒå¹•å…§æ³•æ«ƒå‰ã€æˆ‘è¦åœ¨é‚£è£¡èˆ‡ä½ ç›¸æœƒï¼Žä½ å€‘è¦ä»¥é€™é¦™ç‚ºè‡³è–。
Grind some of it to powder and place it in front of the Testimony in the Tent of Meeting, where I will meet with you. It shall be most holy to you.
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| 37 | ä½ å€‘ä¸å¯æŒ‰é€™èª¿å’Œä¹‹æ³•ç‚ºè‡ªå·±ä½œé¦™ã€è¦ä»¥é€™é¦™ç‚ºè–ã€æ¸è€¶å’Œè¯ã€‚
Do not make any incense with this formula for yourselves; consider it holy to the LORD.
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| 38 | 凡作香和這香一樣ã€ç‚ºè¦èžé¦™å‘³çš„ã€é€™äººè¦å¾žæ°‘ä¸å‰ªé™¤ã€‚
Whoever makes any like it to enjoy its fragrance must be cut off from his people."
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